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You No Mean Am! So  You Still Dey Wait Make Dem Bring Light! You Never Wan Commot from This unreliable and crazy baillers Dem

Nawooo for you, So You still dey drag that you nosy generator, e sure for you say you go still maintain am tomorrow! 🤣  😂    


No stress yourself! you don hear about the amazing solar system package for both home an business from solarity​

Solarity sunking Home Solar System na super system Way Dey come tv,Free To-Air Decorder plus extra lightings Dem.


A full stand alone system with no extra back up from NEPA/ other power source.

The Solarity home solar system brings you latest TV news and entertainment to your family, and light up your home with bright tube lights and phone charging: You no longer need to pay a cent for electricity again. Fill your home with life and light.

You create family moment. you create a stronger bond 

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With solarity home system

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Our Global Recognition

Solarity Plus Solar & Inverter  Battery is the Offgrid arm of Vanpeux GSL LTD