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Digital Water Tank Manager

Solarity Automatic / Digital Water Tank Manager aka “The TM”. The TM is our water tank manager with many unique features such as:

Digital Water Tank Manager


=immediate pump at preset tank level,
=immediate start when power is restored,
=immediate off when tank is full.

Using a water level controller saves power. This is because water levels are controlled automatically, which limits the amount of electricity used. As a result, less water and power are used to regulate a water supply.


Once the button is released the tap is closed, the unit stops the pump at its maximum pressure. … During stopping the pump, the water pump will start automatically if the flow through the controller is more than the starting flow.
The automatic water level control devices are capable of controlling the functions of the motor and help to reduce the consumption of electricity. Thereby wastage of water and power can be reduced considerably. It also protects the motor from running dry and thus ensures durability. Read other related topics BENEFITS OF SOLAR WATER PUMPS
The use of  Solarity-vanpeux  water level control devices also avoids running the pumps during odd hours, particularly at night. It also ensures maximum water supply during peak hours especially during morning hours. The special sensors and time controllers are apt in pumping the water level to its maximum before the peak hours. It also maintains the water level throughout the day. Learn more about Digital Water Tank Manager
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