- When there is a blackout at home, solar lights for the house are an effective way to power your residence and place of business. All of your appliances, including bulbs, TVs, laptops, and other devices, can be powered by solar energy. It boasts a powerful internal lithium battery with a lengthy lifespan of up to three years. Whether you’re camping, gathering with friends, or anywhere else you need light, solar light is lightweight and portable. It has a warranty and has a running time of 5 to 10 hours. Which solar light is the ideal choice for your house?
No decent husband would allow his wife to bathe their child in the dark!
A couple from Lagos believed that this wasn’t required. One lovely evening at eight o’clock, little Junior was taking his mid-afternoon bath. The electricity went out at once! You wouldn’t want to be that mother fumbling in the bathroom for her phone.
Additionally, Dad needed to fuel the generator and pull its rope while he was away at work. Don’t you agree that having a consistent and reliable lighting source is a relief?
Have you ever taken a choice that seemed difficult at first, but when you realised its wonderful outcome, it made you smile?
Our solar-powered bulbs have a 5-year warranty and can shine for 10 hours on a full charge, so you can control your evening.

With our Solarity 3.0 Solar Powered Generator, which have a 5-year warranty and can shine for 10 hours on a full charge, you can control your evening. Mums will always beam when giving Junior his nightly wash, for one reason! Learn more about solar light for home
Have you ever taken a challenging choice that ultimately made you happy because it furthered an important cause. Check out the resources listed below and Get Quotes or join the conversation using the hashtag #Solarpanel,#solarlight, #inverter.