Though they are most efficient in direct sunlight, photovoltaic panels can produce electricity from either direct or indirect sunlight. Even when the light is deflected or partially covered by clouds, solar panels will continue to function.
Solar panels perform less effectively when it is cloudy. Panels can provide 30%–40% less electricity when they are in 0%–30% shade. 1
State-specific net metering regulations may differ, but they can help increase solar system stability and help account for weather variations. They will also be made available by many utility providers to lower the cost of solar.
In this situation, net metering is useful. These programs are created to allow owners of solar energy systems to receive credit for the extra electricity they produce, which they can then use to supplement the energy their system produces when the weather is cloudy. State-specific net metering regulations may differ, and many utilities will provide them either voluntarily or as a result of local law.
In conclusion, your solar panel system will function on cloudy days and really performs better when the temperature is moderate. Your solar panel brand will determine how effective your panels are in various weather circumstances, so be sure to check out Solar Reviews for additional information about brands and/or speak with a solar firm to determine how many solar panels you need. read other related topics Cost of installing solar panels in Nigeria