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Making Your Home More Self-Sufficient

Becoming more self-sufficient entails giving the environment a break. By being self-sufficient, you decrease your dependence on the environment, by using the earth’s natural resources to create your own sustainability.

Originally humankind lived for centuries by being self-sufficient, now we depend negatively on the earth’s resources, causing an imbalance and a negative impact on the earth.

 Below you can find out how to start making your home more self-sufficient.

What is a self-sufficient home?

Creating a self-sufficient home doesn’t mean you need to live off the grid completely, but it means creating a home that supplies its own energy, lifestyle etc.



Benefits of a self-sufficient home

Establishing a self-sufficient home means you reduce your carbon footprint and energy consumption that have a negative impact on the environment. You’re also living a much more financially independent and billfree lifestyle as you’re making your own resources.


 Below are some ways you can start establishing a self-sufficient home:

Alternative energy

Save a ton of energy consumption by using alternative energy methods. Switching to renewable energy like solar power may seem a little costly at first, but it’s extremely beneficial in the long run. Since you’re creating your own energy, it will save you a lot of money by not having to pay for electricity.  You can start by installing solar panels called Photovoltaic (PV) on the roof, which uses devices that generate electricity from saving up direct sunlight all day. But make sure it’s in an area that gets undisputed sunlight all year long.


Heating systems

Alternative heating options can be done through solar energy as well. Solar heating is capable of heating your water and saving energy. Water heating systems are achieved with a solar collector, insulated piping and a hot water storage tank. A self-sufficient home is one that provides itself with its own heat, and so you can allow your home to create heat by doing it traditionally.


Use LED light bulbs.

Replacing your non LED bulbs with LED bulbs it another way to reduce your energy consumption and become more sufficient.

LED bulb requires less energy, does not overheat and brighter than other bulbs.


Creating a self-sufficient home with renewable energy, not only makes you independent but it benefits the environment greatly. It may seem like a lot of work at first, but the rewards are more worthy. Establishing a green life will preserve the environment for future generations to come.


also read : Everything You Need to Know Before Investing in Solar Energy


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