When you think about the standout people and moments in your life, they can likely be broken down into two distinct categories: those that were reach-for-the-stars, over-the-moon-phenomenal, and those that made you feel so damn small you wished you could kick them in the shin and disappear. Now, keeping your personal examples in mind, which would you like to instill in others? Likely (hopefully!) not the latter. Learn more about The courage to grow from stress at work
It’s nice to feel good, but it’s even better to make others feel good. In fact, research shows that an attitude of gratitude can improve emotional and physical health, strengthen relationships and make you happier at work. In other words? It’s time to show a little (HR appropriate) love in your workplace. Read more
Have you ever taken a challenging choice that ultimately made you happy because it furthered an important cause. Check out the resources listed below and Get Quotes or join the conversation using the hashtag #Solarpanel,#solarlight, #inverter.