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What distinguishes voltage, current, and power?

A battery is known to have a positive and a negative terminal. The circuit experiences pressure or electric tension as soon as the voltage is applied because of a difference known as the potential difference.

The charged electron is now forced by this pressure to migrate from the battery’s negative terminal to its positive terminal. The current is the flow of electrons from a negative terminal to a positive terminal.

This page talks about the current as the movement of electrons, the voltage that drives the current from one end to the other, and the difference in current voltage.

How Do You Tell Current From Voltage?
Now we’ll look at the difference between voltage and current:

The voltage was labeled as an electric tension, an electric pressure, and a potential difference in the preceding statement.

The electricity is produced at the generating station, as we know. Electrons move randomly within the circuit, and some push is required to direct electron flow from the negative terminal of a battery to the positive terminal; that push is the voltage.

To help comprehend voltage, think about the following scenario a water tank.

Assume an empty water tank is placed beneath the filled tank. When the tap is turned on, water begins to flow from the upper tank.

Comparable to this, a difference occurs around across endpoints of the circuit when it is connected to the battery. The potential difference/voltage is the difference that emerges from the power source of an electric circuit.

The current in the circuit is created by the flow of charged electrons, which are pushed by the voltage or electric pressure to go from the negative end of the battery to the positive end and continue to loop inside the circuit or conducting loop.

Now, the work of lighting a bulb is carried out by these charged electrons or the current.

Voltage, then, is the electric force or tension that compels electrons (current) to travel through the circuit and produce electricity, which causes the lightbulb to illuminate.

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