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Solar lanterns

Solar Home Systems

Solar Inverters 


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"Solarity is a solar and inverter company that was hatched to cater to small businesses and includes high-quality products such as lanterns, pico solar systems, lights, fans, and TVs, as well as solar panels, solar generators, etc.


How farmers can benefits from Solar energy isn’t just for homes or office buildings. Farms, wineries, and breweries can greatly benefit from going solar! Solar power for farms can help decrease energy costs and increase productivity. And, of course, it can also benefit the environment by utilizing natural, renewable energy.  Regardless of if your farm is large or small, your property can greatly benefit from solar energy. Solar power also offers financial profits in the long term. Energy costs tend to rise over the years, and sometimes become unmanageable. However, with solar power you are essentially locking in your energy costs. On many large farms, Solar is actually much less expensive than fossil fuel. That is for a number of reasons. The installation of solar energy will cost you more – that’s a given. However, with incentives from the state and increasing demand, it usually pays off to use solar energy. We all know that solar energy cuts down that electric bill. But, many are unaware of just how cost efficient renewable energy can be. Electric companies will charge more during the daytime, or when it’s the hottest. With solar energy, you can avoid those grueling costs while maintaining your farm. Also, solar energy frees farmers from electricity spikes or times when electricity is all consumed at once.  Electric companies will bill farmers much more for ‘interrupting’ the power system. Global warming has been a hot topic on everyone’s trends for years. Utilizing renewable energy is one of the most productive methods of reducing a carbon footprint. Solar panels produce renewable energy. Not only that, but solar farms are able to disperse large amounts of clean energy. This is because of the excess power being distributed onto main grids.



 Facts on Solar energy is the energy we get from the sun (solar). The sun has been producing energy for billions of years. It is a completely free, renewable source and now it can be harnessed. technologies use the energy of the sun to light homes, heat water and generate electricity. FACTS Common domestic use of solar energy is from solar panels which absorb solar power to use for cooking and heating water. Solar is one of the most widely used renewable source of energy. One can use renewable energy technologies to convert solar into electricity. Solar power can significantly reduce the electricity bills, save home owners money at the same. solar is noise pollution free. It has no moving parts, and does not require any additional oil sources, other than sunlight, to produce light. Solar energy is used on a wide scale, it only provides a small fraction of the world’s energy supply. Solar is a completely free source of energy and it is found in abundance. Solar has also another use. By means of photosynthesis, solar energy is converted by green plants into chemical energy which creates the bio mass that makes up the fossil fuels. Solar powered hot water systems utilize solar energy to heat water. In certain areas, 60 to 70% of water used domestically for temperatures as high as 60 degree Celsius can be made available by solar heating. Since there are no running parts in the solar panels, there is very little wear and tear. This is why the maintenance requirements for the solar systems are very low.



Solar water heating systems, or ‘solar thermal’ systems, use free heat from the sun to warm domestic hot water. A conventional boiler provide hot water when solar energy is unavailable and its reduces energy bills because Sun lights is free, so once you’ve paid for the initial installation your hot water costs will be reduced. Solar heating system and can reduce your carbon dioxide emissions as well because Solar Energy is a Natural and Renewable resource, free in nature, which you can use in abundant. Water can be heated on cloudy days too. The solar heater uses diffused energy in the atmosphere to heat the water. You don’t have to worry about the maintenance because Solar water heaters hardly require maintenance. Guess what! You’ll earn back your money henceforth you begin gaining profits. It’s a one-time investment that goes a long way. Solar Water heaters last for a longer period.   You save money on your electric bills because of reduction in your consumption. Some governments also provide rebate on electricity bills as an incentive to encourage more people to go solar.  You can also get hot water even if you are facing power cuts, since your depend on solar.                      



The sun is well-known for providing solar energy without charge, its also helps save money and its helps avoid stress.  Solar bulb last for a long time and require little attention once installed. Solar bulb is four times brighter than your normal bulb. Solar bulb are the environmental benefits,why? because Solar bulb does not contribute to global warming in any way.  Solar power is a renewable resource, unlike the other energy resources, such as coal and oil,that have limited supplies. The power of the sun, on the other hand, will keep on shining beyond human existence thereby giving your solar bulb unending power to brighten your home. Solar bulb is free from electrocution and the lights are cool to touch. Solar bulb continue working even if a power outage occurs. Because the energy isn’t coming off from our common power supply , power outages make no difference.  Solar bulbs can also be used in areas where there is no reliable electricity supply.  Solar bulb also improves education for students who live in households without electricity. Especially in areas where electricity is otherwise difficult to access. Going solar can be say to be the best options because solar are very useful and it also improves the quality of life. There are many reasons to pursue solar, the daily savings on electricity costs and the environmental benefits make it a better option to go solar and also the savings on installation related costs, making it a “can’t miss” in certain situations.  Go solar and enjoy unlimited power supply.



Solar greatest advantage, whether residential or commercial, is that it can reduce or eliminate electric bills. Since utilities are a huge expense for businesses of any size, these money savings can have a significant impact on reducing total operating costs. Installation of solar panel can make you control solar energy and store for future use. In some states the local power grid will purchase excess energy from you, so your solar panels could even make your business gain more profit.  Solar energy systems generally don’t require a lot of maintenance. You only need to keep them relatively clean, so cleaning them a couple of times per year will do the job. Going with solar energy can generate a positive reaction from consumers, giving you a credit of respect. But going solar isn’t just about deriving a solid reputation, but reducing pollution is one of the many quantifiable advantages of going solar. Solar provides clean, pure energy and helps fight our common dependence on oil source. Tax incentives. The upfront cost may seem  intimidating, but did you know it can be a huge tax advantage to install solar panels for your business? Solar panel purchase and installation is subsidized by the federal and state government, and you receive great tax credits and returns for making the switch to solar panels. Solar power for your business can make a big impact,  Why not get started and experience the benefits of solar energy this year.


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