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Solar lanterns

Solar Home Systems

Solar Inverters 


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"Solarity is a solar and inverter company that was hatched to cater to small businesses and includes high-quality products such as lanterns, pico solar systems, lights, fans, and TVs, as well as solar panels, solar generators, etc.


  Solar energy is a renewable form of energy and its also called sustainable energy. This means that the sun will come up in a consistently way, so you can depend on this power always being there. Sure there will be nights and cloudy days, but guess what! the sun will shine again and this “free form of renewable energy” will be back for us to use. Oil is not a renewable energy source, which means that once it’s used, it wont be back for use. Solar power is produced during daytime, a period of high energy demand. This can be one of the biggest advantages of solar power because its the time your power company charges you expensively for the energy being used. So not only are you getting free energy, you are getting it when it would normally be most expensive.  Solar power is pretty much a quiet process. You can derive as much solar energy from the sun as you want and it doesn’t generate noise pollution. If you appreciate serenity, you’ll definitely agree that this is one of the best solar power benefits . Energy from the sun costs nothing. once you purchase and set up the solar equipment to collect and convert energy from the sun, it will run everyday and you won’t have to pay over and over for your power. Although there is an initial payments involved, the payoff can be very worth it, when you exclude your monthly utility bills long term. Little maintenance is needed with solar panels. Usually an occasional cleaning is all you’ll have to do, with an inspection every once a year. This is because solar panels don’t really have any moving parts and therefore there is less friction, wear out or breakage may occur.   Solar energy use in remote areas are also big. Unlike oil sources, solar power is very practical for remote areas. The cost to install solar power in areas such as this would be far less than the cost to run power lines Now that you are more familiar with some of the major solar power benefits, you can now make decision on going SOLAR.          



The Nigerian solar market is on the fast rise. Never before has solar power been this available to Nigerian households and offices. Wondering why the reasons for the hype of going solar these days? Here are Vanpeux enlightening top 10 benefits of going solar. 1. Save Millions of Naira According to recent research, adding solar panels to your home can bring in monthly savings of well above ₦25,000 in many parts of the country. It cuts off the spending on fuel for the generator and power bill. Extend this to two decades, less than the length of a typical solar panel warranty, and this translates to over ₦6000000. Quite revealing isn’t it? 2. Enhance Your Home Value Installing solar panels in your home translates into lower electricity costs. This applies more to real estate brokers. Solar panels will increase a home`s attractiveness on the market. A study conducted by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) concluded that homes with solar panels sell 20% faster and for 17% more money. 3. Top Notch Performance Solar panel manufacturers include a 20- to 25-year warranty (also known as a performance guarantee) with their solar panels. The industry standard guarantees 80% performance after 25 years. The real lifespan of solar panels is much longer – your solar panels will likely generate a good amount of electricity 30-40 years down the line. 4. Solar is a Secure Investment We will get there anyway but at present, Power Holding Company Nigerian (PHCN) is still very notorious for their fluctuating and unreliable electricity supply and pricing. Also, fuel scarcity and hike is still a common occurrence in Nigeria but with solar panels and simple math, we can calculate how much electricity will be generated, and most importantly, at what price and stability for at least the next 20 years (fixed energy costs). 5. Create Energy Independence Be proactive in securing your energy independence because that is the global direction. In 2012, the U.S. relied on net imports for about 40% of the petroleum (crude oil and petroleum products). The percentage is doubtlessly less five years later. Little wonder the drop in global oil price and one of the reasons for Nigeria’s present economic reality. This shows that Solar Energy cannot be ignored. We don’t want to hear this but we will inevitably run out of oil, coal and natural gas. While we continue our consumption of these increasingly expensive and dangerous energy source, keep in mind that solar is one step in the right direction. 6. Save the Environment! Apparently majority of homeowners and organizations choose to go solar because it makes good sense from a financial point of view, but that notwithstanding, environmental benefits are also clearly worth mentioning. You can go a long way in lowering your carbon footprint by replacing utility power with clean electricity from solar panels. The average residential solar system offsets about 100,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide in 20 years – the equivalent of driving a car for 100,000 miles. 7. Solar is Easy! Shopping for solar used to be a long and complicated process. There are hundreds of solar companies in Nigeria and bsolar, a leader in Nigeria solar market has made it easy for you to find the best solar deal. To go solar has never before been easier. Our team of independent solar consultants will help you sort through your options. To see how much you can save, and for all other solar questions, request a free consultation. There’s no obligation.  


How to avoid disconnect your electricity PHCN Bill

  A thread on why PREPAID METER being distributed TO ALL may never be achieved in Nigeria. After the Nigerian Police, Nigerian Electricity distribution companies are next on the list when it comes to corruption. This has been in existence from time immemorial, just like barracks, many government have come and gone but the deep rooted corruption in the system remains In April 2016, I moved in to my current apartment. The apartment was still connected to an old meter and there was an outstanding payment of about N385,000.00 to be paid. This wasn’t revealed to me before I made payment for the rent, as usual (that’s how they all do) This became a worry and an absolute headache. I asked the landlord why it was so and she made me understand that the apartment was not in use for 5years. I asked how come it wasn’t reported to NEPA so they’d stop the billing, she gave me a copy of the letter she wrote to them So I took the matter up, wrote several mails to Eko electricity company and the matter was on for 11months, note that in the space of this 11 months, I never got a monthly bill lesser than 24,000.00 You want to ask if I have a factory in my apartment? No I don’t. So it extended from wanting the company to zerorize the ridiculous outstanding balance in the billing account to fighting and contesting the outrageous billing system which do not in any way represent my true electricity consumption and wanting a Prepaid Meter The battle began. After several exchange of mails betweens myself and Eko Electric and no solution was forthcoming, I moved the matter to NERC, the regulatory body for all electricity distribution companies in Nigeria. I filed a petition against Ekedp and the undertaking in charge of my area. Lo and behold, after three days from the petition submission to NERC, I got a call from the marketing manager for my area pleading for me to make myself available to allow them come to my house and take inventory of the electrical appliances I use. NERC is working yeah? Right. A staff of the Ekedp came to take the inventory and at the end of the computations, we calculated and multiplied each appliance by the estimated units they consume per day and multiplied by 31days. Recall I said I never got a bill less than 24k in a month? Then we arrived at a figure that even the Eko electric staff who came to take the inventory opened his mouth and couldn’t close it. What I should be billed based on having 24hour light per day(which is not even possible) in 31 days was 4,800.00 I almost ran mad. I took a copy of the report, scanned it and attached it to my next petition to NERC. At this point, the marketing manager attached to my undertaking had started calling and begging me to stop the petitions. That they could all get sacked if matters gets escalated further. Then in September 2017, after all the troubles and how I never got tired if pursuing the issue, I got a mail from Eko electricity to come with some required documents in order to fill a form for a PREPAID METER. I went there and did as they requested At Last. On 27 November 2017, I was on leave. I was at my gate then this Alfa looking guy was parading and trying to see house number on the fence. My instinct told me to ask if he was asking for Ayo, then he said yes He was the prepaid meter installer, he was with my new prepaid meter I also recall that before the whole issue started, I was discouraged severally that I can never be given prepaid meter due to the outstanding balance on the billing account, I paid no mind to all the people that said that and went ahead with my case. I got the Prepaid meter for FREE. After a week, bill was brought and boom, outstanding balance has been cleared from 385,000.00 to zero balance. How did I achieve this? I mean I didn’t pay a dime to anyone and I never for once bribed my way in all my dealings. I achieved this simply because; 1. I knew my right. 2. I wouldn’t settle for mediocrity 3. I never stopped pushing even after several months and it seemed unachievable 4. I was ready to take the matter up anywhere 5. I was informed. Now imagine how many people are out there who don’t even know how to go about such tedious and draining process. I learnt that a lot of people even paid as much as 40k to get the prepaid meter. Something that’s supposed to be free. Since the prepaid meter was installed in November 27 2017, I have not exhausted the 303 units that came with it which is calculated to be 7,200.00 And I still have 140units left to use. That’s over four (4) months now Do you now see why these people will never allow dream of every homes having a prepaid meter become a reality? Because such development will block all holes where the electricity distribution corrupt members of staff perpetrate their fraudulent activities and corruption from. They know that they will be forced to give light more in order to generate revenue and will not be able to charge people outrageously as they are currently doing and remitting the proceeds of their criminal act to their pockets. Stand up and Fight for what is your right. Prepaid meter is your right, fight for it to the letter. If you believe that your monthly electricity bill do not represent your consumption, make a case. If you’re in Lagos, Ikeja Electricity company and Eko electricity company are there for you. If they fail, involve NERC. That will be all, for now. Due to popular demand, these are the email addresses

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